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Towards a Shared Prosperity

On Monday, October 2, 2017, I attended the Eckington Civic Association (ECA) meeting. About 60 people were in attendance. The community was very welcoming and engaged, discussing matters associated with the livability standards of the neighborhood. Topics of discussion included a citation sent to Super Liquors a store within the vicinity, a major development project underway by Foulger-Pratt, and a BZA case on Rhode Island pertaining to turning commercial lots to rental units due to two year on-going licensing issues.


The attendees were informed about an assault which took place a week ago and the victim described her encounter with the assaulters.  Lieutenant Ronald Wright gave tips and ways of contacting help lines when a person is in need or distressed of any such encounters. Moreover, a representative from the Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration (ABRA) was present to field any questions on policies and procedures associated with the liquor store violation. The twist to the meeting took place when the Super Liquors owner’s daughter spoke up and questioned the complainant. A debate took place between the two parties. Due to time constraints the discussion was tabled for further review, but all parties were given an equal opportunity to speak. The group discussed ECA's elections which are taking place in December, 2017. Also, Eckington Day is being held on October 28, 2017 from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM at the Harry Thomas block.


A walk through the Eckington neighborhood showed some brand businesses established in the vicinity, for example, FedEx, U-Haul, and U-Store Self Storage. Additionally, a lot of development taking place bringing more commercial establishments and jobs to the community. It is evident that the Eckington community is engaged and shares prosperity with one another. People were signing-up to volunteer for the Eckington Day and bringing interesting debates about improvements being made to the neighborhood.

Prosperity begins with a state of mind.

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