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Communities have to offer certain quality of life for people to be physically and mentally healthy. The Eckington neighborhood maintains many standards of living that lead to healthy people. As you can notice in the photographs and the PolicyMap taken within the Eckington community, people enjoy healthy food markets, indoor and outdoor bicycling facilities, walking distance to mass transit, near-by hospitals, and near-by farmers' markets. On the contrary, if one focuses on the overall obesity rate (checking BMI) of adults within this community, it is prominent that a high percentage of locals are suffering from this illness. Research blames fast-food restaurants, inactivity, and unawareness of health risks associated to obesity. The community also has many alcohol and liquor stores, drug issues, crimes, and pollution from construction within the city. Moreover, some parts of the city are still abandoned or boarded-up requiring investments from businesses to further enhance the neighborhood. The latter issues signal to parts of the Eckington neighborhood needing attention, so healthy environments can be provided to promote people's health.

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